Tarot Resources

Tarot Resources

Welcome to our Tarot Resources page! Whether you're just starting out with Tarot or looking to deepen your practice, we've curated a list of resources to guide you on your journey. Below you'll find an array of articles, books, and courses that span from beginner to advanced levels.

Beginner Tarot Resources

Easy Tarot Spreads

If you're new to Tarot and unsure of where to start, this guide on easy Tarot spreads will introduce you to the basics and get you reading in no time.

How to Do a Basic Tarot Reading

Mind Body Green offers a comprehensive article for those who are new to Tarot. This guide will walk you through how to do a basic Tarot reading.

How to Read Tarot Cards

This guide by Culture.org is another fantastic resource for beginners. It covers the meanings of the cards and offers tips on interpreting them.

Intermediate Resources

Freely Available Books and Texts

For those who have some experience and want to delve deeper, Quareia offers a selection of free texts that go beyond the basics.

Tarot Skills For the 21st Century

This e-book is an excellent resource for those looking to sharpen their skills and adapt their Tarot practices for contemporary times.

Advanced Resources

Quareia: The Course

If you're a seasoned Tarot reader and looking to expand your metaphysical skills far beyond just Tarot, this course by Quareia is highly recommended. It covers a wide range of esoteric practices.

We hope you find these resources helpful and enriching. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us. Happy reading!